Dr. Logan has conducted research in the area of high performance ceramic materials at the Georgia Institute of Technology since 1969. She worked at the Georgia Tech Research Institute 22 years (1969-1992), the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs/Computational Mechanics Center 2 years (1992-94) and is presently located in the School of Materials Science and Engineering.
Dr. Logan's current research involves pilot plant scale-up of powder synthesis and forming processes using self-propagating high temperature synthesis, development of high performance materials, very high strain rate behavior of ceramic materials, development of refractory materials for application as a boiler liner, and mechanical and analytical microstructural characterization of materials.
Dr. Logan has authored/coauthored over 27 major reports and publications and is inventor of six patents and co-inventor of one patent. She is a member and Fellow of the American Ceramic Society (Chair of the Engineering Ceramics Division), Gamma Beta Phi Society, KERAMOS, the National Institute of Ceramic Engineers, Sigma Xi, the Materials Research Society, and the National Society of Professional Engineers.
B.S. Cer.E., 1970, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. Cer.E., 1980, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Civil E., 1992, Georgia Institute of Technology
Metastable non-equilibrium reactions, mechanical and analytical microstructural characterization of ceramic materials.