Adjunct Professor
Research interests: include transport properties, polymer blends and solutions, phase separation, renormalization group theory, fractional calculus, polymer films, supercooled liquids and glasses, and entanglement in polymer fluids.
Research Areas:
Selected publications
Influence of solvation on the structure of highly charged nanoparticle salt-free solutions
March 08, 2019
Alexandros Chremos, Jack F. Douglas
We investigate the influence of ion and nanoparticle solvation on the structure of aqueous salt- free solution of highly charged nanoparticles. In particular,...
Hidden Hyperuniformity in Bottlebrush Polymer Melts
December 21, 2018
Alexandros Chremos, Jack F. Douglas
We show that the backbone chains of bottlebrush polymer melts exhibit a hidden hyperuniform packing over a wide temperature range above glass transition...
Tuning the Relaxation of Nano-Patterned Polymer Films with Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles: Observation of Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation
November 06, 2018
Sonal Bhadauriya, Xiaoteng Wang, Jack F. Douglas, Praveen Pitliya, Jianan Zhang, Dharmaraj Raghavan, Michael R. Bockstaller, Christopher M. Stafford, Alamgir Karim
Polymer films provide a versatile plastic material in which complex functional relief patterns can be imprinted with a resolution down to tens of...
Competitive solvation effects in polyelectrolyte solutions
August 01, 2018
Alexandros Chremos, Jack F. Douglas
An understanding of the solution properties and phase behavior of natural and synthetic polyelectrolytes requires an understanding of the competitive...
A Comparative Study of Thermodynamic, Conformational, and Packing Properties of Bottlebrush with Star and Ring Polymer Melts
July 27, 2018
Alexandros Chremos, Jack F. Douglas
Thermodynamic, conformational, and structure properties of bottlebrush polymer melts are investigated with molecular dynamics simulations and compared to...
- B.S. Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University (1986)
- M.S. Mathematics,Virgnia Commonwealth University (1981)
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Chicago (1986)
- Fellow of American Physical Society (1997)
- NRC/NIST Postdoctoral Fellowship (1988-1989)
- NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship/Department of Physics, Cambridge University (1987)
- IBM Graduate School Fellowship (1985-1986)
- American Physical Society-Outstanding Senior Award
- Virginia Commonwealth University (1980) Phi Kappa Phi/ Sigma Xi
Research Interests
include transport properties, polymer blends and solutions, phase separation, renormalization group theory, fractional calculus, polymer films, supercooled liquids and glasses, and entanglement in polymer fluids.