Associate Professor
The research in Chen group is cross-disciplinary, bridging up mechanical engineering, chemistry and materials science, focusing on electrochemical energy storage related materials and devices, as well as functional and structural metals/alloys. The technical expertise of the group include development and application of advance in situ characterization methods for energy storage devices, computation-aided materials design and novel synthesis methods for nanostructured materials.
Selected publications
- Xiong S, He XF, Han AJ^, Liu ZT, Ren ZS, McElhenny B, Nolan AM, Chen S#, Mo YF#, Chen HL#. Computation Guided Design of LiTaSiO5, a New Lithium Ionic Conductor with Sphene Structure. In press, Advanced Energy Materials(2019)
- Yang LF, Li X, Liu J, Ma XT, Xiong S, Liu P, Bai JM, Xu WQ, Tang YT, Hu YY, Liu ML and Chen HL#. Lithium-doping stabilized high-performance P2-Na0.66Li0.18Fe0.12Mn0.7O2 cathode for sodium ion batteries. In press, Journal of the American Chemical Society(2019)
- Ma XT, Liu ZT and Chen HL# Facile and Scalable Electrodeposition of Copper Current Collectors for High-Performance Li-metal Batteries, Nano Energy. 59 (5), p500-507, 2019.
- Ma XT, Nolan AM, Zhang S, Bai JM, Xu WQ, Wu LJ, Mo YF# and Chen HL#. Guiding Synthesis of Polymorphs of Materials Using Nanometric Phase Diagrams. (2018), 140, (49) p17290-17296, Journal of the American Chemical Society.
- Zheng GR, Xiang YX, Xu LF, Luo H, Wang BL, Liu Y, Han X, Zhao WM, Chen SJ, Chen HL, Zhang QB, Zhu T and Yang Y, Controlling Surface Oxides in Si/C Nanocomposite Anodes for High‐Performance Li‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials. (8) 29, 1801718,2018
- Xiong S, Liu ZT, Rong HB and Chen HL#, Na3SbSe4–xSx as Sodium Superionic Conductors. Scientific Reports, 9146 (2018)
- Yang LF, Li X, Ma XT, Xiong S, Liu P, Tang YT, Cheng S, Hu YY, Liu ML and Chen HL#. Design of High-Performance Cathode Materials with Single-Phase Pathway for Sodium Ion Batteries: A Study on P2-Nax(LiyMn1-y)O2 Compounds. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 383(3), 171-180
- Bai Q, Yang LF, Chen HL# and Mo YF# Computational Studies of Electrode Materials in Sodium-Ion Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials (Invited Review Article). (8) 1702998, 2018
- Ma X, Bai JM, An K, and Chen HL#, NaAlTi3O8, A Novel Anode Material for Sodium Ion Battery, Scientific Reports, 7(162) 2017
- Boebinger MG, Xu M, Ma X, Chen HL, Unocicc RR and McDowell MT. Distinct Nanoscale Reaction Pathways in a Sulfide Material for Sodium and Lithium Batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, (5) 11701
- Liu L, Li X, Bo SH, Wang Y, Chen HL, Twu N, Wu D, Ceder G. High‐Performance P2‐Type Na2/3(Mn1/2Fe1/4Co1/4)O2 Cathode Material with Superior Rate Capability for Na‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials. 2015, 5, 1500944.
- Kim JC, Seo DH, Chen HL and Gerbrand Ceder. The Effect of Antisite Disorder and Particle Size on Li Intercalation Kinetics in Monoclinic LiMnBO3. Advanced Energy Materials, 5 (8), 1401916 (2015)
- Li X, Ma XH, Su D, Liu L, Chisnel R, Ong SP, Chen HL, Toumar A, Idrobo, JC, Lei YC, Bai JM, Wang F, Lynn J, Young, L, Ceder G. Direct Visualization of the Jahn-Teller Effect Coupled to Na Ordering in Na5/8MnO2, Nature Materials. 2014, 13, 586-592.
- Chen HL, Hao Q, Zivkovic O, Geoffroy Hautier, Du LS, Grey CP and Ceder G. Sidorenkite, a new intercalation compound as cathode materials for Na-ion batteries. Chemistry of Materials. 2013, 25 (14), 2777-2786.
- Chen HL, Hautier G, Ceder G. Synthesis, computed stability and structure of a new class of inorganic compounds: carbonophosphates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2012, 134 (48), 19619-19627.
- Chen HL, Hautier G, Jain A, Kang B, Doe R, Wu LJ, Zhu YM, Tang YZ, Ceder G. A new class of cathode materials for lithium ion batteries identified computationally. Chemistry of Materials. 2012, 24 (11), 2009-2016.
- Danna Q, Hinoma Y, Chen HL, Du LS, Grey CP, Ceder G, Meng YS. Electronic spin transition in nano-size stoichiometric lithium cobalt oxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2012, 136 (14), 6096-6099.
- Chen HL, Wu L, Zhang L, Zhu Y, Grey CP. LiCoO2 Concaved cuboctahedrons from symmetry-controlled topological reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2011, 133 (2), 262-270.
- Bhattacharyya B, Key B, Chen HL, Best AS, Hollenkamp AF, Grey CP. In situ NMR observation of the formation of metallic lithium microstructures in lithium batteries. Nature Materials, 2010, 9 (6), 504-510.
- Chen HL, Grey CP. Molten salt synthesis and high rate performance of the “Desert-Rose” form of LiCoO2, Advanced Materials. 2008, 20 (11), 2206-2210. (Featured inside front cover article)
Approved US Patents
- Grey CP and Chen HL. Lithium battery electrode and method for manufacture of same. USPC Class: 42923195
- Ceder G, Chen HL, Hautier G et al. Carbonophosphate and related compounds. PCT2011/025684
- Tsinghua University, B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, 1999
- Tsinghua University, M.S. in Chemistry, 2002
- Stony Brook University, Ph.D. in Chemistry, 2009
- Award for Excellence in Doctoral Research, SUNY-Stony Brook, 2009
- Sigma Xi Award for Excellence in Research, 2008