Rajesh joined the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in 1999 as a research scientist. Prior to joining AFRL, Rajesh held a Howard Hughes Research Associate Fellowship at Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University. He was appointed Biotechnology Direction Leader in June 2005, and is currently the Bio Research Lead and Technical Advisor for the Nano-Bio branch (RXBN) in the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate.
He has authored/co-authored over 110 journal papers/book chapters, and several conference proceeding papers. His awards include the Air Force Star Team Award for Basic Research, the Air Force Civilian Achievement Award and the Vince Russo Award for Leadership Excellence. He was recently selected SPIE fellow (2009). His research interests are in the area of bionanotechnology and biomimetics with focus on biosensing, materials and protein engineering.
- B.S. Microbiology, University of Bombay, India (1990)
- M.S. Biological Sciences, Duquesne University (1992)
- Ph.D. Biological Sciences, Carnegie-Mellon University (1998)